
[for outside Japan] kojiro feat. Satomi Tsukumo "Hametsu no Gouka" ~ The Hellfire of Ruin [CD]

¥4,160 税込


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kojiro feat. Satomi Tsukumo "Hametsu no Gouka" ~ The Hellfire of Ruin [CD]
(for overseas except Japan)

1. 破滅の劫火 (Hametsu no Gouka)
2. すべての天上を望んだ祭壇 (Subete no Tenjou wo Nozonda Saidan)
3. 厭世回帰 (Ensei Kaiki)
4. ハークアインの栄華 (Jarkein no Eiga)
5. 楓 (kaede)
6. 銀河蘭楽 (Ginga Ranraku) ~ nebula macula fatum
7. たった一つの旋律 (Tatta Hitotsu no Senritsu) ~ All is One
8. 緋色の結界 (Hiiro no Kekkai)
(total 8 songs)


The band "Kojiro feat Satomi Tsukumo
CD album "Hametsu no Gouka" (The Hellfire of Ruin)

CD customers can obtain DSD and CD-quality or better sound quality bonus files
free of charge by using the password provided in the enclosed form.

In addition, when remixing or remastering is done in the future
The band members are also entitled to "free of charge for as long as the company/label lasts", which is almost a "lifetime support" benefit.

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¥4,160 税込
